Write For Us

We are constantly searching for skilled authors and professionals in the field to contribute to our blog. Our mission is to give our readers access to excellent, educational articles about the newest developments in technology. We would love to speak with you if you are passionate about technology and would like to share your knowledge.

Guidelines for Guest Posting

Please make sure you adhere to these guest posting standards before submitting your piece to us:


We welcome submissions on a broad spectrum of technology-related subjects, such as social media, mobile, software, hardware, blockchain, cybersecurity, and more.


Only stuff that hasn’t been written with artificial intelligence (AI) or published elsewhere is accepted. Plagiarism is not tolerated in our content.


Although 800 to 1500 words is the optimum post length, we accept posts that are longer or shorter as long as they are useful to our readers.


We look for well-written, interesting, and useful articles free of spelling or grammar mistakes.


To improve your work, please include appropriate images or videos.


We don’t accept articles that are too promotional, but we do appreciate connections to your website and social media accounts in your author bio.

Specialized Niches We Publish

We are now accepting guest contributions for the following tech-related niches:

  • Both machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Data privacy and cybersecurity
  • Social media and digital marketing
  • Mobile Apps & Development for Online Businesses and E-Commerce
  • Virtualization and Cloud Computing
  • Connectivity of Things (IoT) and Intelligent Devices
  • Reviews of Hardware and Software
  • Consulting Firms and IT Agencies
  • Innovation and Business Strategy
  • Cloud-Based Products and Services
  • Intelligence in Business and Data Analytics
  • Virtual reality and gaming

Here’s how search engines can locate us:

To find us on Google, you can use any of the well-liked search phrases or keywords listed below:

  • “Marketing” + “Write for Us”.
  • “SEO” + “Write for Us”.
  • “Startups” + “Write for Us”.
  • “Business” + “Write for Us”.
  • “Hiring” + “Write for Us”.
  • “Sales” + Write For Us
  • “Social Media Marketing” + “Write for Us”.
  • “Content Marketing” + Write For Us
  • “Email Marketing” and “Write For Us”
  • “Growth Hacking” + “Write For Us”
  • “Remote Working” + “Write for Us”
  • “Entrepreneurship” + Write for Us.
  • Web design” + “Write for Us”.
  • “Software development” + Write for Us.
  • Post by Guest + “Marketing”
  • “SEO” + Guest Post
  • “Startups” + Guest Post
  • “Business” + Guest Post
  • Post by Guest + “Hiring”
  • Post by Guest + “Sales”
  • “Social Media Marketing” Guest Post
  • “Content Marketing” + Guest Post
  • Featured Article + “Email Marketing”
  • “Growth Hacking” + Guest Posting
  • “Remote Working” + Guest Posting
  • The “Entrepreneurship” guest post
  • “Web design” + Guest Posting
  • “Software development” Guest Post

How to Send in an Article

If you would like to write for us, please contact contactapexmindz@gmail.com with your interest. After reviewing your submission, we will respond to you as soon as we can.

Please be aware that we have the right to reject any submission that does not live up to our standards and to make changes to your piece.

We appreciate your interest in contributing writing, and we hope to hear from you soon!